Li'l Red Dad

Side of frame, 1978 & 1979


2188  manufactured

It is estimated that

roughly 1000 are remaining,​760 on Registry 


         5118 manufactured

It is estimated that 

roughly 2500 are remaining,

1572 on Registry

Engine block casting date & time

& blank VIN ID "pad".

Data ID tag (1979 only)

Certification Label

Equipment ID Label

VIN Plate

Miscellaneous Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This section has a variety of information pertaining to the Li'l Red Express, Decal locations, and VIN verifications information.

Below are the 1978 & 1979 underhood decal locations, compliments of The Mopar Performance Shop, Scott  Delewski, can be purchased individually or as a set.

1978 Underhood Decal Locations

1979 Underhood Decal Locations

Door Decal Placement Location

Li'l Red Express Door Decal is clear 3M vinyl with gold print and measures 30 1/8" X 13 3/8".  Drawing by Skip Gibbs.


**NOTE:**There is no such thing as a"NUMBERS MATCHING" Li'l Red,  the actual terminology is, "NUMBERS CORRECT" Lil Red",  since, to be correct, the engine and transmission numbers will not match the VIN or each other. 


For anyone wanting to verify that their truck is a true "Li'l Red", you can verify your VIN number by the following:

Check the VIN number that is "stamped" on the passenger side frame rail,  just behind the front, rear spring hanger. 

(If the frame is undercoated or rusted, you may have to sand it a little to find the number, but it's there!!)  

The 1978 VIN  (D13BS8J------) is located near the center of the passenger side frame rail, 

The 1979 VIN  (D13JS9S------) is also located on the passenger side frame rail near the bottom or may be located on the bottom of the frame rail, just below that location. 1979 VIN, as you will see in the photos.

The other checks for the VIN are, the Equipment ID label located under the hood, andthe Data ID tag (1979 only), located on the top of the radiator support, drivers side. 

The VIN plate is on the door of the 1978 and on some early 1979 models, built-in Dec. 1978 or Jan. 1979.  Most 1979's are located on the "B" pillar. 

The Vehicle Certification Label is on the "B" pillar of both the 1978 & 1979 models. 

Just click on the highlighted items to find pictures of the VIN location. 
If there is an "S" in the fifth digit, you have a "Real Li'l Red Express Truck"


To check if you have the correct engine, check the Engine ID "pad", on the right side of the block just above the oil pan.  The "Li'l Red" 360 engine  "pad" is blank and has no numbers.  If there are numbers in this location, the engine is not correct.  The casting time and date are also on the block, above the ID "pad".

The only numbers on the engine block are located on the front of the driver's side of the block,just below the cylinder head. 

The first 2 indicate the year and production plant, (8=1978, 9=1979

W=Windsor Plant),  the next 3 numbers indicate the cubic inch displacement (360), the next two letters (IT) are unknown factory ID letters and the following 4 numbers are the build date, using the Chrysler "10,000 Day Calendar", 6030 = January 30th, 1978.


The numbers on the Loadflite 727 transmission are on the driver's side, above the oil pan reads:

1978 trans - PK 4028823 6101  3671, PK - Kokomo, IN assembly plant,

4028823 - part number, 6101 - build date, Tuesday, April 11, 1978,

  3671 - factory sequence number.

1979 trans - PK 4130705 6425 4175, PK - Kokomo, IN assembly plant,

4130705 - part number, 6425 - build date, Thursday, March 1, 1979, 4175 - factory sequence number.

The build dates are using the Chrysler 10,000 day Calendar, below.  
Here is a link to the decoder for the 10,000 Calendar:



**1978 CAB / BED ID TAGS**
The only "NUMBERS MATCHING" items on a Li'l Red are on the 1978 Li'l Red Express, there are small ID tags located on the driver's side, top driver's side firewall, and a matching number tag located under the left chrome step on the front step support bracket.  

These tags were installed to make sure the correct cab and bed were joined together during assembly.  Both tags will have the same ID number, however, this number does not match any other numbers on the truck, it was for factory assembly use only. 

****Trucks that have been restored, usually have these tags missing, since they are very delicate and easy to loose when the steps are taken off.****​

1979 Data ID tag, Radiator Support 

Bottom of frame 1979 only